Opening the Door

"You're an energy being in a Universe governed by the flow of energy, thus manifesting happens at the energetic level. When you're vibrating at a high energy, you attract positive outcomes. The Universe always responds to the energetic messages we put out. Thoughts and feelings are energy."

Brenda Abigail, MSc – Medium
Read writing from Brenda Abigail, MSc on Medium. Millennial scientist, mindset coach, & spiritual dog momma. Every day, Brenda Abigail, MSc and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

Setting a new vibration and fighting fears. I decided to open my door and let folks into my mind, life, vision and journey.  I am stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing with all.

Many years I  have been afraid or discouraged to put my thoughts, mind, body, and soul out there. I would hide behind my fears of the unknown. Now I walk to the unknown and discover the thrill, passion, lust, and knowledge it brings.

It feels fantastic to be out from being stuck with the perception you should be as a mom, woman, lover, and a person. I come to reality of my world and the joy of my wants physically, mentally, and not pleasing anyone but myself.

Many times I will start something but end up quitting and not following through. The change is here where I complete, fulfill all that I start. I am learning from my mistakes and also listening to positive informational people that are in my life.

Learning from my mistakes are important. I viewed all I have done and accomplished. I rewrote my story to what I want and what I will do differently. Life is a beautiful journey that has steep hills, roaring seas, gusty winds, but it also have calmness, beauty and nourishment.

Cherish all the storms and beauty that occurs because everything is a guide for you to become a better you.