I had an ahh moment. This is when I realize that something that was slowly killing my existence and all I did was run from the situation. Never confronting the hold and the facts of the issue. The problem that continue to haunt my well being.
Bam!!! Something hit me. OMG !!! Reality smacked me straight in my face. I woke up but still was stuck. The pain of hurting another came before my pain and stress. That empathy I have for others just takes over and I suffered in the end. But did I truly suffer or the experience taught me my strength. The situation also taught me how a person can be and how a person only see their pain and suffering. The person can never identify the suffering that they cause. The person is so focus on what they can have, their strength, their pleasures, and their fulfilments.
Of course I can identify with that as well but I show and have empathy. Through out my life I attempt to find myself but I end up following suite. Never new the reason for that, but as I grow and learn I have to find guidance as well as strength.
My life is more then being in the background. I am feature and the beautiful bright colors in the background. I am the focus and the platform of me and my identity. All the people I love are compliments not followers or fans. They are beautiful energy that compliments my energy.