Love is an amazing thing. It happens unexpectedly and ever so gracefully.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." "We are most alive when we are in love." "The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love." "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved."
When you have self-love, the proper love comes to you. You no longer searching for someone to fulfill you but receiving additional love because you are deeply in love with oneself.

A beautiful being that I know who's super smart, an amazing person, and beautiful inside as well as outside just got engage to another amazing person.
We are celebrating her and her new chapter to becoming a wife. Of course, we had to celebrate her new beginning by having a brunch celebration. Love Brunch!!!!

Who doesn’t love going out to brunch to celebrate and drink some bubbly? Also, having a great time with great company. Wonderful conversation and many laughs makes everything amazing. The enjoyment of the conversation was so amazing, as we were sitting outside enjoying our meals a rain storm went through without use even noticing. Toes and all getting wet but the safety of the umbrella kept us and our food dry.
Her love story is amazing, but I will save that story for next time. Keep you curious and intrigue. Also, stay tune for the wedding stravaganza.
This experience and her telling the story of proposal was amazing. I could do nothing more then gleam at her excitement and engage into the story.
I love to hear and see love and happiness. This brings me joy all the time. Just like watching my children eating and receiving nourishment. I just enjoy seeing people in love and happy.

The ring!!!! Beautiful!!! Her soon to be husband has great taste and the choice of the ring shows how much he listens and know the woman he loves. He got her just what she wanted.

Love has a lot of power and when two individuals have strong love for each other they go above and beyond for one another. That special connection that always there through the good times and bad times.
Live, Love, & Enjoy Life........